

625 Uppsatser om Perioperative approaches - Sida 1 av 42

Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.

Perioperativ trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie om operationssjuksköterskans skyddande åtgärder

ABSTRACTPressure ulcers are a serious health damage that causes great suffering, prolonged hospital stays and increased health care costs. Patients undergoing surgery are at high risk of developing pressure ulcers and it is the operating theatre nurse responsibility to protect against health damage through nursing. There are little research made in the area of perioperative pressure ulcer prevention. In order to investigate perioperative pressure ulcer preventive care measures that are described in the litterature and to answer the question how the operating theater nurse can protect the patient, a pilot study of a systematic literature review was carried out. Data base searches were conducted in PubMed and Cinahl from where ten articles were selected and examined for their quality and content.

Vårdenhetschefers och sektionsledares uppfattningar om operationssjuksköterskans perioperativa omvårdnadsarbete samt införande av denna arbetsmetod

Introduktion: Den perioperativa omvårdnaden där operationssjuksköterskan ingår innefattar faserna före, under och efter operation och kan ses som ett arbetssätt. Perioperativ omvårdnad har utarbetats under 1990-talet. Arbetssättet har inte efterlevts i någon stor grad trots positiva effekter för patienter och personal. Operationssjuksköterskans arbete är fortfarande övervägande traditionellt, med fokus på tiden då patienten är sövd och opereras. Vårdenhetschefers och sektionsledares uppfattningar om den perioperativa omvårdnaden har betydelse för hur arbetet bedrivs på operationsavdelningar.

Perioperativ dialog-utopi eller verklighet? : en pilotstudie

Vid den perioperativa dialogen möter den perioperativa sjuksköterskan patienten vid tre tillfällen i samband med operation. Detta har visat sig komma både patienter och sjuksköterskor till godo. För att införa perioperativ dialog krävs förändringar i organisationen. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att införa och arbeta med perioperativ dialog på operationsavdelning. Arbetet är en pilotstudie med kvalitativ ansats, där chefssjuksköterskor intervjuats.

Operationssjuksköterskors beskrivningar av att arbeta med WHO:s checklista för säkerhet vid operationer

Background:In Sweden there are several thousand surgical procedures performed every day. The treatment is expected to be efficient, profitable and safe. Despite that, complications occur in 3-16 % of the surgical procedures. To prevent this, WHO has developed a surgical safety checklist containing safety issues to give the surgery team an opportunity to a last control that everything has been properly done. The profession of the surgical nurse focuses mainly on patient safety especially regarding hygiene and sterility.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate and describe the perceptions of the perioperative nurses regarding WHO: s surgical safety checklist.Method:To test the suitability of the method a pilot study was performed where tree operating room nurses were interviewed and the data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results: Four categories emerged; Increased patient safety, enhanced team spirit, good planning, stronger professional role.Discussion: The result from the study showed positive perceptions regarding the surgical safety checklist, a fact known from earlier research.Conclusion: The results of the pilot study showed that surgical nurses had good support in their work when the surgical safety checklist was used..

Diatermirök- Det perioperativa teamets arbetsmiljö

BackgroundDiathermy is the most commonly used surgical instrument in the surgical area today. Diathermy is used in surgery to cut and coagulate tissue. The use of diathermy releases chemical substances in to the environment in the form of diathermy smoke. Research shows that these chemical substances pose health risks to both staff and patient exposed to the smoke. To protect the interdisciplinary, perioperative team from the smoke, smoke evacuation systems can be used.ObjectiveThe purpose of the study is to highlight the work environment of the perioperative team when working with diathermy smoke.MethodThe study is meant to be implemented as an empirical descriptive sample survey.

Mäns våld mot kvinnor ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv

The essay begins by asserting that the theoretical approaches of men?s violence against women are just as important to study as its extent. The purpose is therefore to analyse and compare two theoretical approaches which is done by a comparative text analysis of two texts written on the subject. The essay attempts to answer two questions; what the theoretical approaches are and how they can be understood in light of feminist theory.Previous research on men?s violence against women discuss especially three theoretical aspects.

Det perioperativa samtalet-nyexaminerade operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar

The perioperative nurse's primary responsibility is to care for the patient during the operation?s three phases; before, during and after. The communication between colleagues in the surgical department is increasing opportunities for safe care for the patient and a good dialogue with the patient can alleviate the concerns facing the unknown environment such as an operating theater. The pilot study was to investigate the surgical nurses' perceptions of conversations with the patient one year after graduation. To answer the pilot study's aim a qualitative interview study was chosen with a phenomenographic approach.

Anestesisjuksköterskor och den perioperativa vårdprocessen En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Perioperativ vårdprocess är ett arbetssätt och forskning inom området visar att den har betydelse för patienters välbefinnande i samband med operation. Anestesisjuksköterskor har en nyckelroll i vårdmöten i samband med operation för att minska patienters vårdlidande. Syftet med studien är att genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie ta reda på hur fyra anestesisjuksköterskor på sjukhus resonerar om den perioperativa vårdprocessen. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att informanterna resonerar om perioperativ vårdprocess utifrån tre kategorier; förutsättning att kunna prioritera användning, organisatoriska faktorer som påverkar möjlighet till användning negativt och yrkesansvar finns vilket har betydelse för korrekt bedömning av omvårdnadsbehov i samband med operation.

Radikal Biståndsexport : En studie om utfallet till: - Irans bistånd till Hizbollah  - Saudiarabiens bistånd till talibanerna   

This essay is about the massive Iranian aid to Hezbollah and the Saudi Arabian, likewise, towards the Taliban. The main view is that the two countries aid respective aid to Hezbollah and the Taliban is/were not a gesture of goodwill but rather an economic method of getting influence and controlling the receiver. This view that is based on a theory called; economic statecraft. The economic statecraft theory is used in this paper to investigate why Iran?s influence towards Hezbollah has been successful while the Saudis ambitions with the Taliban have failed.

BEMÖTAS-principen : sju tillvägagångssätt för att främja integration genom fysisk planering

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

Toxoplasma gondii hos katt : prevalens, symptom och smittvägar

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

Patienters upplevelse av att vårdas i den perioperativa vårdprocessen - en litteraturstudie

Att behöva opereras kan vara en stor händelse i många människors liv. Det kan både vara positiva och negativ orsaker till operationen. Oavsett operationstyp eller syfte för operationen så skall patienten behandlas och vårdas på ett värdigt och professionellt sätt. Författarna till studien anser att den perioperativa vårdprocessen ger patienten möjlighet att vårdas på ett bra sätt. Syftet med studien är att belysa patienters upplevelse av den perioperativa vårdprocessen.

Passage Retrieval: en litteraturstudie av ett forskningsområde inom information retrieval

The aim of this thesis is to describe passage retrieval (PR), with basis in results from various empirical experiments, and to critically investigate different approaches in PR. The main questions to be answered in the thesis are: (1) What characterizes PR? (2) What approaches have been proposed? (3) How well do the approaches work in experimental information retrieval (IR)? PR is a research topic in information retrieval, which instead of retrieving the fulltext of documents, that can lead to information overload for the user, tries to retrieve the most relevant passages in the documents. This technique was investigated studying a number of central articles in the research field. PR can be divided into three different types of approaches based on the segmentation of the documents.

Arbetsterapeuters pedagogiska förhållningssätt i gruppverksamhet - en kvalitativ studie

The occupational therapist uses meaningful activities to promote health and accomplish functional progress. The professional role is to support and enable for the client to change his/her life. One way to accomplish this is to use the group as a tool. Knowledge is needed about how learning works and which teaching methods exist to promote learning, so it is adapted after the clients´ personal way of learning. The aim of this study was to investigate which pedagogical approaches occupational therapists use in group activities.

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